However today was different, the back page was mostly about The Olympic Stadium and actually had a point of view from Harry on the subject - something we haven't had as of yet. I was a little disappointed when I read the article as it didn't really give an opinion at all, apart from the fact that Harry doesn't like running tracks in football grounds. I suppose it was a 'pro Tottenham' article in the race for the stadium but only in the fact that it slagged off West Ham's offer for it - he didnt really give much of an opinion as to what he thought of us moving, in fact the closet he gets is this comment:
"I'm not just banging the company drum for Tottenham here. Even If Spurs do win the race against West Ham to make it their new home, by the time all the development is finished I might not be at the club anyway"
Thanks for that Harry, that to me looks as though he is completely sitting on the fence so that A) he doesn't piss off Levy and the Spurs board and B) he doesn't piss of the fans. Hmmmm. He does go on to say however that we need a new stadium to complete with the footballing big boys (especially with our huge season ticket waiting list) but he doesn't say whether he would prefer the NDP of The Olympic Stadium. He also talked about this to the media but didn't really add much to his article in The Sun - not very informative I guess but I'm always up for slagging off West Ham!

Same subject different person. Levy has today come out with an open letter to Spurs fans that has been posted on the website and subsequently reprinted all over the place - quite frankly its about bloody time! With all the publicity that's gone on with this issue he should have said something ages ago. For those that want to read it in full, click this linky! For those that don't want to read it all I'll summarise:
- The Olympic Stadium site would include a 60,000 seat stadium that would be 'fully financially guaranteed' and would be based on our NDP designs
- Keeping the running track would be wrong
- If we are the preferred bidder the club will consult the fans
- We are waiting for the 'relevant financial institutions' to sign planning permission for the NDP
- The cost of the NDP is high and they are concerned with its viability
So once again, nothing new...It does sort of confirm though that Levy really wants to go to The Olympic Stadium, If you read the whole letter you will note that the tone is definitely pro-Stratford!
In his own words:
In his own words:
"So, in some ways much has happened and in others, we are still determining new stadium plans."Like Harry, Levy is being very careful with what he says because A) he doesn't want to piss off the OPLC and B) he doesn't want to piss off the fans (yet).
Isn't it just lovely that the two people at the head of our club are being so coy with the fans, making comments so it looks like they have said something new but in actual fact have said nothing at all.
I don't like to moan about Spurs but am I the only one who thinks that we are getting slightly shafted with this whole situation??
My intention was to write a preview for the Newcastle game tomorrow - I guess I got a little carried away! Come back tomorrow for that preview!
no, your not the only one, the fans are getting shafted on this. We can only hope that the OPLC people so desperately want to keep the running track that we dont win this contest. One trophy I dont want for Spurs.
Very true Alan! Not long now and we'll at least have some idea as to what's going on!